We handle all the execution phases, from the study till the commissioning and the maintenance of the installations. This allows us to guarantee at any time the optimization of the investment made.
Improved Energy Efficiency
The introduction of a Led Illumination System, replacement of gas and diesel boilers, etc... Energy Audits according to the new European Standards.
1 - Proyect siged by an engineer if facility is over +10kw, if lower a report with the basics is required signed by an engineer or architect
2 - City hall licence (project+fees) and visit to the city hall architect to consider and validate aesthetics
3 - Comply with Low Voltage Electrotechnic Rules (-100kw)
4 - Final work certificate sign by the engineer and Installation certificate signed by an authorised electrician (Lamfred cannot make without a test and a standardised course)
5 - Surplus compensation contract with an electricity company The utility company commits to offset your shortages with electricity power but never with money with your idle power production Canarias government offers help for company projects higher than 33k€ and for private individuals projects higher than 8€